Świętojańska 5/9 93-493 Łódź
NIP 725-10-17-674

KRS 0000164122 registration in Łódź-Śródmieście District Court where all  the Company’s documentation is being held

Share capital: 1 050 000, PLN,  fully paid-up

Bank account:
Bank Zachodni WBK SA
Account no.: 50 1090 1304 0000 0001 0791 3050

Head Office:

+48 42 689-65-22

Sales Department:

+48 42 689-65-31
+48 42 689-65-32
+48 42 689-65-33

CODOPRESS Compression Garments:

(appointments and ordering CODOSIL silicone dressings):
+48 42 689 65 20 or direct no. +48 42 684 78 21

Human Resources:

+48 42 689-65-29

R&D Department:

+48 42 689-65-37

Quality Control Department:

+48 42 689 65 34

Contact form

    Name and surname (required)

    Email address (required)


    Your message

    I agree to process my personal data included in the TZMO SA, Żółkiewskiego 20/26 Street, 87-100 Toruń, Poland contact form in order to answer my inquiry and document in case of further contact in accordance with the Information on Personal Data Protection*.


    We enable you to report breaches of the law and internal regulations in a confidential and secure manner prescribed by law The Regulation complies with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (the so-called Whistleblowers Directive).

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